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Cornell University

Alliance for Diversity and Inclusion

A multi-unit group supporting Cornell University's institutional diversity planning initiative

Cornell Intern Anne Perkins Revamps Web Content for Facilities and Campus Services

ADI intern Anne PerkinsCornell University intern Anne Perkins, a senior Communication Strategy and Design major at Ithaca College, quickly realized web content might be easier to create than maintain. Hired to help improve the Facilities and Campus Services (FCS) website, Perkins was tasked with first identifying stale and staid content and then reimagining it to better engage end-users.

“Working with my supervisor, I focused on five key areas of the FCS website: Facilities Contracts, Transportation and Delivery Services, Finance and Administration, Internet Technology, and Diversity and Inclusion. In addition to revising and editing the existing web pages, I was also given opportunities to consult with developers about fixing issues, creating content, and adding new tools to the website,” said Perkins.

She followed an iterative process that involved reviewing webpages, meeting with department representatives for their feedback, implementing agreed-upon changes in a test environment, and transferring the approved changes to the FCS production website. Perkins said, “Focusing my design strategies on what would be effective, engaging, and user friendly kept my solutions on mark with making improvements to the website and aided in the project’s success.”

What surprised her most about the process was how much the collaboration informed and improved her work. Although she expected to meet with teams to discuss potential changes, she had not anticipated the extent of that interaction on the project’s outcome.

She said, “As I reflect on the experience, I see how valuable those meetings were for not only the project but also for developing my communication and design skills. As I made the changes to the website, hearing the perspectives, pain-points, and ideas of other people helped expand my understanding of the problems and insight on how to create the best solutions.”

Perkins encouraged other college students to monitor the Cornell Alliance for Diversity and Inclusion Student Intern Program for new opportunities.

“If you’re thinking about applying – do it! Honestly, don’t worry if you don’t have all the technical qualifications. If you’re passionate about what the job description is, willing to learn, be adaptable, and have good communication skills, then you’ve got a good chance of getting in,” said Perkins.

“The wonderful aspect of this internship program is that it’s about learning and expanding your knowledge – not already knowing everything. Take every opportunity you can, stay open to all experiences, and prioritize building connections with your coworkers and other interns. People have so much knowledge to share, and a lot can be learned from a conversation.”